Microsoft Office

Microsoft word is a powerful tool for editing, and processing documents.

Office 2007 includes enhanced tools and ease of use for creating professional documents.

In the attached file, found here, I have demonstrated some of the capabilties of the program. This includes creating an index, adding terms and definitions, headings and much more.

UDM Promotes!

Want to Judo Chop your thirst? Then click here and have a drink!

Unique/Diverse/Marketers (UDM) revealed their new "Judo-Chop Your Thirst" campaign today.

The team presented their ideas for a fictional new soft drink called DeLunie Energy Drink. The campaign focused on Advertising, which would appealed to a young, hip and energetic market.

This project was designed to argue the importance of Promotion, vs the other strategies in the marketing mix, in a creative and humorous way.

Smooth talking Brian Scotland and Carrie Nishihama warmed up the crowd, before Eric Hiebert and myself swooped in to kick the energy up a notch. The audience was wowed with pomp, circumstance and a little fanfare including:
  • the unveiling of DeLunie Energy Drink's mascot
  • a mock-up of the final product
  • and a glimpse into the effects of DeLunie usage.
The success of the project can be attributed to hard-work and the diversity of the group's skills. The entire team pulled together to create something that stirred excitement. However, it was Kris DeLuna who sealed the deal with his Judo-James Brown dance moves when he appeared as Lunie McEnergy, the show-stealing mascot.

Although the pitch for the product was a success, don't get your hopes up about cool, refreshing, waterbreaking DeLunies; I highly doubt the product will pass FAD approval.

PowerPoint Makes the Difference

The right visual tools can make the difference between a basic presentation, and a great presentation.

This PowerPoint was used to help the audience to visualize the problems facing the Lotto Super 7. From basic over view, to displaying factual information, PowerPoint is a great medium for grabbing, and helping to hold your audiences attention.

A lot of work went into the overall design of this presentation. The word-content has been edited to create a highly readabable format. As well, the information has been presented in a linear and clearly defined format.

Organiational Behaviour Analysis

The following one-page analysis is a demonstration of my understanding of the principles of group dynamics. This document is my brief analysis of the Countryside Environmental Services case study.

The case is about Countryside Environmental Services, and the company's newly hired project manager Vincent. Despite this new manager, the office is in turmoil and the quality of the department is being eroded by poor communication and interpersonal conflicts. The primary cause of this is the office Manager’s inability to accept the authority of the new project manager Vincent.

Understanding the proper functions of organizations and groups is the foundation for strong management.

Federated Chemicals Case Study a Success

All successfull companies use pricing strategies for their products. These strategies are key to many decisions the company will make regarding their product.

Before defining the pricing strategies for Federated Chemicals new Air-O-Rug product, team UDM devled into in-depth industry research, and information gathering about potential target markets.

Excel/Marketing Management Students Prepare for Final Exams

It's hard to believe we are almost ¼ of the way through BCIT, and even harder to believe that the Final Exams are upon us.

Like everyone else in Set A, I'm beginning to feel the pressure of the exams. All five exams begin on Dec 10th, and run until the 16th.

Also, here is a demonstration of my abilities with Excel

RandallAnthony Communications Passes 30k hits/per month

RandallAnthony Communications has officially received over 30 thousand hits for the month of November, 2007. This is a record high number of visitors for RAC, in a single monthly period. I manage the website for RandallAnthony Communications, the leading special reports supplier to the Globe and mail.

Since I began managing the site RAC's visitor amount has increased dramatically. When I began in early 2006 the site was receiving roughly 100 visitors a month. Currently, RAC has been viewed by over a hundred thousand people, and the web traffic is increasing by roughly 16% a month.

The increase in traffic can be attributed to two causes: Increased website visibility and new features, which add value to the reader.

Over the past year has become a more valuable resource to RAC's clients thanks to enhanced FTP features, and archived reports. For Canadians the site is a wealth of information about:

  • Health

  • financing and investment

  • small business tips

  • and information about special organizations.

Our next step is to implement Google AdSense and begin generating revenue.

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